From the Desk of Our CEO- Milton Rendell

Happy New Year to all and hope you had a safe and happy festive season. Sadly we have started the year with the fires in Yarloop. On the weekend I went down and inspected the damage at Camp Logue Brook, the venue we go to each year for our Annual Getaway, which we have been doing since 2001. The Camp unfortunately was hit by the fires. It was sad to visit as I personally have spent many hours there. The camp had lost all but one of its chalets, and as you stand there you can feel how powerful the fire would have been and the strong feeling of loss. Speaking with the outgoing site manager Ken, they are looking to rebuild in 2016 once everything has settled down. Although the fires have caused much damage and heartbreak through the region, it also presents new opportunity for employment with the rebuilding of Yarloop and surrounding areas.

2016 for Real Estate Plus sees the expansion of our


Milton Rendell- Real Estate Plus CEO

network with the Forrestfield office being upgraded from an information center to our first café office, once shire approvals are completed, which we are very excited about. The concept is to create a relaxing atmosphere for people to meet and talk about real estate. We will keep you updated as we progress. It is a project we have discussed for years and see now as the time to step up and make it happen. The office will consist of real estate staff who will be available to handle any real estate inquiry but also a host/hostess who will handle the hospitality section of the office. We have commenced recruiting so the office will be relaunched with a staff of six in the later stages of March.

Inquiry for rentals has been on the increase in the later part of last year and we are seeing some more interest starting this year as well, with an increase in attendees to home opens for both rentals and sales. This is positive sign but both are very cautious in their approach and very price sensitive, so we need ensure we are meeting the market to achieve results.   We are entering an important stage in terms of market direction, and this quarter will set the pace for the first half of the year. I think this year will be a cautious one, however time will only tell. We look forward to being of service in 2016.


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From the Desk of Our CEO- Milton Rendell